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Hunter Rawls Has Been Appointed to The Florida Bar Sixth Circuit Grievance Committee “D”
We are pleased to announce that our attorney, Hunter Rawls, has been appointed to The Florida Bar Sixth Circuit Grievance Committee “D.”
Estate Tax Credit Sunset in 2026: Navigating Your Future Financial Landscape
Discover how the Estate Tax Credit Sunset in 2026 will reshape your estate planning. Gain insights and strategies to safeguard your future.
How an LLC Can Protect Your Assets
An LLC allow you to gain protection from hungry creditors while still allowing you to transfer assets down to your family members.
What Effect Does Marriage Have on Your Estate Planning?
Marriage has various effects on estate planning in Florida and requires you to consider how you craft your estate planning documents.
How to Leave Your Gun in Your Estate Plan in Florida
If you want to leave your gun in your estate plan in Florida, then using a gun trust is your best option. Although not required by law.
10 Mistakes When Creating a Trust for Your Children
Making mistakes when creating trust for children can have long-term consequences, such as family conflicts or years of stress.